Brighten someones day with our Cheerful Blossom Ensemble. This delightful bouquet features a vibrant mix of blooming pink gerbera flowers, symbolizing happiness and admiration. Nestled among the gerberas are delicate white gypsophila flowers and lush green leaves, adding an extra touch of elegance. Each bouquet, standing at 30 cm tall, is carefully handcrafted into a round shape, evoking a sense of harmony and joy. Wrapped in pristine white paper and tied with a pretty pink bow, this ensemble is sure to bring a smile to anyones face.
The Bouquet consists of:
• Blooming, hand-picked pink gerbera flowers accented with white gypsophila flowers and leaves Wrapped in white paper and tied with a pink bow.(Height 30 cm.approx)
The Bouquet consists of:
• Blooming, hand-picked pink gerbera flowers accented with white gypsophila flowers and leaves Wrapped in white paper and tied with a pink bow.(Height 30 cm.approx)