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Eternal Trust Rose Ensemble

Eternal Trust Rose Ensemble

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Earliest Delivery : 2nd Jul
6% Off



Experience the depth of trust and love with our Eternal Trust Rose Ensemble, featuring 8–10 hand-picked white roses and delicate white gypsophila. White roses, renowned for symbolizing trust and eternal love, create a stunning display of purity and devotion. This timeless bouquet speaks volumes about the sincerity of emotions and the strength of enduring relationships. Wrapped in elegance and tied with care, it serves as a heartfelt gesture to convey the deepest feelings straight into someones heart.

The Bouquet consists of:
• 8–10 hand-picked white roses and white gypsophila (Height 40 cm.approx)
The Bouquet consists of:
• 8–10 hand-picked white roses and white gypsophila (Height 40 cm.approx)

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